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Nrc Technical Officer Collective Agreement

31. Juli 2023

NRC Technical Officer Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you work as a technical officer at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), you may be covered by the NRC Technical Officer Collective Agreement. In this article, we`ll provide an overview of this agreement and its key provisions.

What is the NRC Technical Officer Collective Agreement?

The NRC Technical Officer Collective Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the NRC and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), which represents the majority of technical officers at the NRC. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for these employees, including their salaries, benefits, and other working conditions.

What are the key provisions of the agreement?

The NRC Technical Officer Collective Agreement covers a wide range of topics, but some of the most important provisions are related to compensation, leave, and working conditions.

Compensation: Under the agreement, technical officers receive competitive salaries based on their education, experience, and job level. In addition, they are eligible for bonuses and performance pay based on their individual and team contributions.

Leave: Technical officers are entitled to a range of leave benefits, including vacation, sick leave, family-related leave, and bereavement leave. They also have access to various types of special leave, such as leave for jury duty or military training.

Working conditions: The agreement sets out various provisions related to working hours, overtime, and scheduling. It also includes provisions related to health and safety, training and development, and performance management.

How is the agreement enforced?

The NRC Technical Officer Collective Agreement is enforced through a grievance process, which allows employees and the PIPSC to raise concerns about possible violations of the agreement. If a grievance cannot be resolved through negotiation, it may be referred to an independent third party for resolution.

In conclusion, if you work as a technical officer at the NRC, it is important to familiarize yourself with the NRC Technical Officer Collective Agreement. This agreement provides important protections and benefits for employees, and can help ensure a fair and equitable workplace. If you have any questions or concerns about your rights under the agreement, you should contact your PIPSC representative or HR department for guidance.

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