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Atlantic Procurement Agreement (Apa)

31. August 2022

The Atlantic Procurement Agreement (APA) is a comprehensive procurement agreement between the four Atlantic Provinces of Canada: Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. The agreement came into effect on April 1, 2019, and aims to improve procurement practices and increase efficiency in government purchasing.

One of the main goals of the APA is to promote fair and open competition in procurement. The agreement enables businesses to compete for government contracts across all four provinces, providing them with increased opportunities to win contracts and expand their business. The APA also establishes uniform procurement practices, which helps to reduce costs and streamline processes for both businesses and the government.

The APA covers a wide variety of goods and services, including construction, maintenance, equipment, supplies, and consulting services. It also includes provisions for the procurement of goods and services related to certain industries, such as forestry, fisheries, and agriculture.

Under the APA, the four provinces work together to standardize procurement processes, including the use of common tendering language, templates, and evaluation criteria. This helps to simplify the bidding process for businesses, as they only need to be familiar with one set of procurement standards and requirements.

To ensure compliance with the APA, the four provinces have established a Joint Procurement Oversight Committee (JPOC) to oversee the implementation of the agreement. The JPOC is responsible for monitoring procurement activities, resolving disputes, and improving procurement practices.

In conclusion, the Atlantic Procurement Agreement is a significant step towards improved procurement practices in the Atlantic Provinces. By providing opportunities for businesses to compete for government contracts across all four provinces and establishing common procurement practices, the APA aims to promote fair and open competition, reduce procurement costs, and streamline processes. As the agreement continues to be implemented, it will be interesting to see the impact it has on procurement in the region.

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